Thursday, December 06, 2007

Tiz The Season To Be Walking....

Tra, la, la, la, la, etc , etc!

Hello there! Just when you thought I'd gone away - I'm back!!! But only to say a festive thank you to everybody who has helped and supported me over the past year. In particular I'd like to say thanks to my mum for putting up with my mad cap ideas and general whinging, my best mates Pat and Estelle for their never-ending belief in me, to Neil and Skinny and Cleveland Search and Rescue (I will get up there for some training next year), and last but not least to the lovely people at the Bardnaclavan Guest House in Fort William. I really appreciated their hospitality when I stayed with them on my Ben Nevis trip. Not only did they feed us well but they also offered me a wonderful welcoming hot bath when I came back from the mountain. If you're looking for somewhere to stay in the area you can't really go wrong - thanks guys.

So, I'm offering this early festive greeting as I'm about to jump on plane to the Canaries for a spot of diving and...wait for it......walking! In fact, I'm hoping to walk up a volcano!! Not only will it be amazing but it could well be the highest I've ever been before (except on the flight) and I may even have my first encounter with walking at altitude. didn't think I'd just sit on the beach now....did you?

Take care one and all and whatever your faith/belief/background, have a wonderful festive season and all the best for the coming New Year.

Sturdy :-)

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