Sunday, December 17, 2006

Best Made Plans....

'Tis the season to be jolly, tra la la......
Oops, no walking for the Sturdy, tra la la la.....'

So much for my intention to begin a regular winter training routine. Over the past week the most walking I've done has been from one end of the train to the other and a few backward steps across the millennium Bridge attempting to walk (er - 'tack') across the Thames! Work duties and family visits left little time to really get out and about but in those rare and precious quite moments I closed my eyes and could see the snow capped hills of Ambleside from a few weeks ago. Magic. I suspect this week will be just as manic but at least I can go for a ramble on Saturday at Rainham Marshes and plan to go for a nice long walk up to Hadleigh and Benfleet and then back along the sea wall on Christmas Eve, just before going off to the panto. Oh no you're not. Oh yes I am. And so just in case the bearded one with the sleigh is reading this;
Dear Santa,
I promise I've been a good novice walker and on my best behavior (well, mostly). Please can I have: 'Hillwalking - The official handbook of the Walking Group Leader Schemes', a pair of good year round 4 season boots, the energy and stamina of a collie so I can bounce up the hills, a pair of walking trousers that don't make me look like Biggles with my gaiters on and finally, more walking days. Thank you. I'm leaving a dram of isotonic drink and some mint cake to keep you going - enjoy.
All for now.
Sturdy Girl

Posted by Admin @ 2:30 pm