Monday, December 04, 2006

Should I Be Out Here..?

Bullocks! Lost my bearing..

Was in the Mendips at the weekend but annoyingly was suffering with a bad head cold and chest infection. Weather was fantastic though and couldn't stay indoors for too long so grabbed my poor suffering dog (Buster) and best friend (Pat) and went off for a couple of short but exhilarating walks. On Saturday we went out for a nice 5/6 mile bimble from Wookey Hole, up through Ebbor Gorge (nice easy scramble) and across the Mendips. Sunday we followed a quieter route across the top of Cheddar Gorge, taking in part of the Mendip Way. We was having a great time until we stumbled into a huge field full of rather frisky and irritable young bulls who decided to take a more than healthy interest in Buster. Our route took us straight through the middle of them. After some deliberating we skirted around the edge of the field, then across, then zig-zagged, desperately trying to keep our distance and keep them away from the now slightly nervous (and very muddy) Buster. Whilst doing this we managed to lose our bearing completely, or rather, I did. I was wheezing, coughing and sneezing like nobody's business whilst trying to navigate and Pat was beginning to feel less than great. Both of us had committed a cardinal sin and gone out without having had lunch and as we'd been walking now for a couple of hours both of us were getting hungry and niggly. We decided to head back on ourselves, giving in to the bullocks but enjoying the view anyway. Having retraced our steps back up a very muddy hill we took a few moments to rest by the shade of an old oak tree (no, seriously) had a drink and munched on my emergency trail mix. Amazing what a few bits of dried fruit and nuts can do. We had a great walk, the views were magnificent, the weather like a warm September eve, but in hindsight I think maybe I should have tackled a flatter route and both of us should have been better prepared. Lesson learnt. And as for those bullocks.....well, less said!

All for now.

Sturdy Girl

Posted by Admin @ 2:41 pm

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I just found your blog and enjoyed reading some of it, I will read more later. It made me smile when I read about you not being a catwalk model, can you imagine walking the hills like those girls do! For sure sturdy girl is better, although I guess if you walked like a cat walk model it would take the bulls minds off the dog.

Posted by Blogger Bob @ 12:21 am #
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