Tuesday, January 09, 2007

Mud, Mud, Glorious Mud..

Nothing quite like it for...er...being muddy!

I've found that walking is a great healer. Alone with your thoughts, free from the chaos of every day life, walking with nature and the elements can bring a sense of space, clarity and deep peace. This is where I find my peace and this is when I feel most alive and contented. It's a feeling that can't be taken away by outside events (well, not easily), it is a feeling inside - it's mine - it's yours - no one else's! So I've been walking, and thinking, and will keep following my dreams, exploring new places and embracing the adventure of life. Attempting to shake off the less than ideal start to the New Year, I pulled on the boots at the weekend and went for my 'usual' bimble, only this time I added on another couple of miles, bringing the round distance to about 7 miles or so. It's not a bad walk, taking in the castle ruins, country park and estuary but I miss my hills! My boots were still slipping and didn't hold up too well in the thick mud and the following day I had serious aching in my hip joints - surely I'm too young for that! Not to be put off, I've also started a regular exercise routine at home combining aerobics, stretching and a bit of yoga and swimming. If nothing else - I'll sleep well.

Still planning some new routes for the next couple of months but with a low post-xmas budget and not wanting to blow my holiday time in one go I do need to think carefully. I'm aiming to reach the summit of Ben Nevis in September so I need to start building up gradually now. All quite exciting really.

As ever, any suggestions always welcome, especially if somebody can explain the hip thing!

All for now.


Posted by Admin @ 5:30 am