Wednesday, May 30, 2007
Touching the Freud
Angels? I see no angels......
What a wet and wild weekend we all seem to have had! But then, it was bank holiday so what else could we have expected. Taking advantage of the long weekend I packed up the car and my mum and headed down the motorway - or rather motorways - to
Pembrokeshire for a weekend of walking and exploring. Joining us in Newport was Will, a fellow walker I met on the Poland trip back in the New Year. He flew from Edinburgh to Cardiff, then took a train and then a taxi and although not environmentally friendly, it took him less time to get there than it took us in the car from Essex!!
Saturday was great -
clear skies, warm enough to walk in a T-shirt and dry. Our plan was to walk to the summit of
Carningli in the morning, then follow part of the
Pembroke Coastal Path in the afternoon. Pulling up just off of the main Newport Road we walked from the small Hamlet to the may bridleway. Now mum, as you know, has problems with her heart and knees and although properly kitted out this time with walking boots, trousers, fleece, poles and rucksack, I didn't really want to push her too far by taking her up the side of the mountain which is the treat I had in store for me and Will! I was aware that I may have to leave her to her own devices at some point and so we had two-way radios for easy and safe communication - but
I don't think she was very impressed when I switched them on and we picked up the local taxi service! So off we set, heading for the top. Will and I were both in amateur photographer mode and stopped to take some atmospheric shots and that was it, I turned around and saw mother heading off into the distance trail blazing her way through the bilberries towards the rocky slopes of the ascent! Catching her up she seemed slightly surprised by the lack of path and huge rocks looming towards us. Well, there was nothing for it but to keep going as to back-track and try and get back onto the main path would have taken just as long and been just as precarious as going forward.
And so, with the best laid plans for mum's safety and comfort disappearing faster than an arctic iceberg we found ourselves taking on a grade 1 scramble!! Fantastic! And actually, it wasn't that bad at all. I took the lead doing my would be mountain leader bit and mum and Will watched, listened, then went their own way - charming!
But seriously, it wasn't that scary and we all had a really good time. Tackling the ascent in small stages and making sure we had good hand/foot holds we were up in in no time. Standing on the top rock was brilliant and mum was really chuffed that she'd done it - so was I.
But where does Freud fit in....well, on the way up we discovered that Will had been walking along with his rucksack open and had been gradually depositing
unintentional offerings to the angelic host said to inhabit
Carningli in the way of water bottles, snacks and his waterproofs. We
managed to reclaim most but the the waterproof trousers were nowhere to be seen. I'm sure Freud would have something interesting to say about a gentleman losing his trousers on a mountain!
Carningli, Angel Mountain, has been a place of pilgrimage since at least the 8th Century when a local saint sought refuge there and was visited by an angelic host. Since then people have travelled to the site seeking guidance, spiritual awakening or for ceremonial reasons and whilst we explored the common just below the summit we found prayer ribbons flowing in the wind, reminiscent of the prayer flags you might
expect to see on any Nepalese mountain. It was all very rugged and beautiful and the views down onto Newport and the sea were amazing.
Taking the easy path back down to the car we then headed over to the Coastal Path and enjoyed a couple of hours walking along the cliffs. Absolutely brilliant. Mum pushed herself but had to to quit before us and found a comfy bench to rest on for a while whilst Will and I carried on for a bit enjoying the late evening sun and the breathtaking views. The only thing missing was the lack of nesting seabirds!
Sunday was a wash out. We had planned to take in more of the coastal path but
with heavy rain and strong winds we joined an organised walk instead in Fishguard. It was a historical walk based on the stories of the local pirates and smugglers and not only did we get to stroll around another beautiful village and harbour in the wild weather, we also learnt about the origins of the
'Jolly Roger' flag. At one point the walk took us to the site of the old fort, which was on a small peninsular and
the wind was so strong it was almost impossible to stand up! Great fun. After a couple of hours though my companions had that look on their face as if to say 'can we stop now....please...' I would have happily carried on walking but knew this wouldn't have been fair on them so we headed for the nearest warm, dry pub and enjoyed a relaxed afternoon in the pub enjoying a feast of music by way of a folk festival. Fiddle playing, sea shanties, fine ales and good company - what more could we ask for? Oh yes, blues skies and sunshine would have been nice by hey ho - can't have it all.
If I'm honest I'd have to say that I didn't get in the walking I wanted to, but it was still fun and the most important thing is my companions enjoyed it too. My mum keeps saying I've turned into one of 'those walkers' - the route march obsessed type that I always said I'd never be. I don't think I have but my fitness levels are improving all the time and I do love to walk, so I guess I have to find walking chums who are as mad and energetic as me to explore our amazing countryside with on some occasions - to let rip and go for it, and balance it out with walking with my family and friends on gentle strolls other times. In fact, I went out for just such a walk last week in my home county of Essex and was gobsmacked at how stunning the scenery was. I had no idea the county could be that beautiful and as my friend and I watched the sun setting and the wildlife settling down for the night I was surprised to find myself feeling wistful about the place. It's made me want to explore more of my home county, which may be lacking in hills, but is so obviously rich in other attributes and which I had been taking for granted - or just not even considering existed at all.
Wonder what the weather is going to be up to this weekend? Hope to get out for at least one good walk - hope you manage to get out too.
All for now.
Sturdy Girl
(wearing three layers of fleece - in May!!)
Monday, May 21, 2007
Get a Moove On!
At on a walk - and a new grading system for the faint-hearted!
Well, contrary to the weather forecast Saturday was a beautiful, bright sunny day and I was joined on my 'usual' walk by a fellow hill lover - Michael - who, like me, has high aspirations with his walking aims but
needs a gentle push (metaphorically speaking) to get him out doing it - and that's where I come in! Professional nag - my new role in life!! Actually, I'd like to think of myself as being more the friendly motivational type but hey - what's in a name?!
Hopefully Mike enjoyed the walk as much as I did - it took a little longer than I'd anticipated and as we both had other engagements in the afternoon the pace picked up somewhat on the flat paths back to town - which was actually really good - nice to speed things up a bit and felt it by the time I got back to my place! Started grinning like a Cheshire again. I'm sure a therapist would have something to say about it all :-) On the way 'round we devised our own walking grades based on the 'Wuss' factor - for those of us who may appear sturdy on the outside but are really big cowards underneath. A 'Wuss Factor 1' would include a route that takes in mud, puddles and potentially slippery bits, 'Wuss Factor 2' would include taking your chances with the Bovine members of society - male and female. 'Wus Factor 3' would have to include something like a slight drop or ledge or a leap over stream or small gap in a rock - you get the idea.. We, or rather, I encountered a Wuss Factor 2 when we had to walk past a herd of young bulls up near the Castle. Mike thought it was great fun as would-be-mountain-leader edged her way past them praying to the gods of hiking that the lovely creatures didn't trample and or eat her for lunch! Thankfully, they didn't and it was good to have somebody walking with me that could actually tell me to stop being such a wus and get on with it - cheers Mike!
Did some cross-training on Sunday - swimming, pilates and stretching - all good, but can't make up for actually getting out there. I'm so looking forward to jumping in the car on Friday and heading off to Pembrokeshire for a weekend of proper walking. One of the friends I made on my Poland trip is flying down from Edinburgh to join us and it'll be nice to catch up and say hello - then drag the poor fellow up a hill or two but I'm sure he won't mind!
The trip was a present to my mum for mother's day. She's not been back to Wales since being evacuated there as a child and really wants to see the scenery - and see it she will. But, and this is a big but, she does suffer from a heart problem and severe arthritis in the knees so we've had a good chat about the route and what I'd like to do, what she'd like to do and how we balance it out so that we're all safe and have fun. I've loaned her a set of walking poles to help with the knees and kitted her out with a light-weight rucksack and some proper walking trousers so she'll be comfy. She felt guilty when we went out last time as I ended up carry all her spares and lunch! Now, at some point we're going to part ways as I would like to get to the summit of Carningli and mum may, or may not, be able to get there. So, I'll head off and she'll amble along at her own pace or even possibly turn back to town. Whatever the case, I want to know what she's up to and how she is. We could rely on mobile phones but as you all know, getting a signal isn't necessarily always a given. So I've invested in some hand-held two way radios, with a range of up to 8 miles (depending on terrain) and weatherproof. They're easy to use and rechargeable and I think will be a valuable part of my kit, especially for events such as this. This way, we can stay in touch, if there are any problems she can call me straight away and vice- versa and in-between we can pretend we're on some exciting mission - well, maybe not. Seriously though, I think the initial expense may pay off in the long run as there will be other occasions when, for whatever reason, my walking partners and I may split up and to have a more reliable source of communication can only be a good thing!
So, short week for me. Hope you've all got something nice planned for the coming bank holiday and must end by saying happy birthday to my number one walking Chum - Pat in Glastonbury - save me a piece of cake now...!!!
All for now.
Sturdy Girl
Tuesday, May 15, 2007
Sunshine On A Rainy Day......
or is it...'Just walking in the rain.....'
Had quite a quiet weekend I'm afraid to say. Due to family illness I wasn't able to go on my planned walk on Saturday and had to spend the day in London instead. Getting very itchy feet at the moment - and no, it's not athlete's foot - rather the desire to be back among some big hills with lots of open space around me. Easter seems so long ago already but I can't help thinking of the beautiful countryside in Yorkshire and getting back on that Cleveland Way.
Still, did manage to get a swim in as part of my cross training and was rather chuffed when another 'regular' stopped me and, panting, said "Are you getting better at this?", "Yes," I replied, with a big grin on my face. "Oh good," came the response - "I thought I was getting worse!" Made my day. Achilles Heal is healing nicely (pun intended!) as is general fitness and flexibility. With only 3 and a half months until my Ben Nevis trip I need to be stepping it up a bit now and getting in some good practise walks.
I've got lots of fun things coming up including a
scrambling course in July - finally get to tackle
Striding Edge - in the safety of a group and with an instructor and Snowdonia at the end of June for a navigation course. I'm also
starting to make some good walking contacts through joining various online groups and via people I've met on my travels. And don't worry,
if you've offered to come out walking with me, be warned..I will be
taking you up on it!!! My next real trip isn't until May bank holiday and, again, due to other commitments I won't be able to get in a real walk this weekend, BUT
if you happen to be in or near Essex, this Saturday morning (19th), and want to join me for a couple of hours walking part of my 'usual' route - from Westcliff to Hadleigh Castle and back drop me a line and let me know - you're more than welcome to join me.
It's fairly gentle - 50% hard surface/path/road and 50% track, with one hill to take in, but some great views.
Rain or shine - I'll be there. Heading off about 9am. If you want to come along email me at or leave a comment here. I know I've got at least one aspiring hillwalker joining me so if you've nothing else planned and are in the area, come and join us.
All for now.
Sturdy Girl
(P.S - pictures are views taken from Two Tree Island - Essex)
Tuesday, May 08, 2007
One Flew Over...
The Cuckoo's nest, the Egret's nest, the Avocet's nest.....
Not really been up to much this week I'm afraid. My planned trip to Snowdonia for a navigation course was, sadly, cancelled - an adventure to be lived later in the year. Had my longest standing friend and close chum Estelle staying with me and took her on my 'usual' walk. We had originally planned to do the full circuit from home to Benfleet and back but as we'd been sampling the local amenities the night before neither of us were on full form. But it was a glorious day and we both allowed our Bill Oddie like tendencies to blossom, along with the Hawthorn as we strolled along on lovely hard paths in the sun watching the skylarks, caterpillars, rambling groups and munching cattle going about their business. Not one of the most challenging walks I've done so far but certainly one of the most fun - and very, very relaxing. I also saw my first ever Cuckoo. We heard it first, but I thought it was somebody playing around in the bushes but my wise friend assured me it was real! And then, a little later, we spotted it and out came the binoculars. Quite a size aren't they! But lovely. Something I'd never seen before and didn't expect to find on a former landfill in Essex. Just goes to show you - never underestimate mother nature and her offspring!
Went back to do the same walk on Monday with an acquaintance and his dog and what a difference a day - and torrential rain - can make! The paths had returned to their usual slippy, clay-like mud baths and the waterproofs took a good pounding. Still fun though! When the rain did eventually stop we had a lovely late afternoon walk along the sea wall, hair blowing wildly in the wind (well, mine was!) and drying off at the local beer garden with a pint of real ale. Covered in mud, a bit soggy but happy.
Am reading through my various hillwalking books at the moment, reacquainting myself with the navigation exercises and generally trying to keep fitness levels up in between but am getting itchy feet - and no, it's not a virus...just a longing to be back in the mountains of the where's that diary and how much leave have I got left.....???!!
All for now.
Sturdy Girl.