Tuesday, May 08, 2007
One Flew Over...
The Cuckoo's nest, the Egret's nest, the Avocet's nest.....
Not really been up to much this week I'm afraid. My planned trip to Snowdonia for a navigation course was, sadly, cancelled - an adventure to be lived later in the year. Had my longest standing friend and close chum Estelle staying with me and took her on my 'usual' walk. We had originally planned to do the full circuit from home to Benfleet and back but as we'd been sampling the local amenities the night before neither of us were on full form. But it was a glorious day and we both allowed our Bill Oddie like tendencies to blossom, along with the Hawthorn as we strolled along on lovely hard paths in the sun watching the skylarks, caterpillars, rambling groups and munching cattle going about their business. Not one of the most challenging walks I've done so far but certainly one of the most fun - and very, very relaxing. I also saw my first ever Cuckoo. We heard it first, but I thought it was somebody playing around in the bushes but my wise friend assured me it was real! And then, a little later, we spotted it and out came the binoculars. Quite a size aren't they! But lovely. Something I'd never seen before and didn't expect to find on a former landfill in Essex. Just goes to show you - never underestimate mother nature and her offspring!
Went back to do the same walk on Monday with an acquaintance and his dog and what a difference a day - and torrential rain - can make! The paths had returned to their usual slippy, clay-like mud baths and the waterproofs took a good pounding. Still fun though! When the rain did eventually stop we had a lovely late afternoon walk along the sea wall, hair blowing wildly in the wind (well, mine was!) and drying off at the local beer garden with a pint of real ale. Covered in mud, a bit soggy but happy.
Am reading through my various hillwalking books at the moment, reacquainting myself with the navigation exercises and generally trying to keep fitness levels up in between but am getting itchy feet - and no, it's not a virus...just a longing to be back in the mountains of the North...now where's that diary and how much leave have I got left.....???!!
All for now.
Sturdy Girl.
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