Monday, August 13, 2007

Tell Me Why.....

I don't like Mondays..???!!!

What a great song that was - and so true. I mean, who does - like Monday's that is!
Another quiet weekend I'm afraid with no real walking. I could fib and tell you I've been to the Peaks, the Lakes or the Downs but I'm afraid that would be telling a big fat porky lie and that's one thing I don't do! I guess it's like that for a lot of us walkers - the urge to get out and do it is always there but the practicalities of everyday life often get in the way - ho hum. Still, did get to help demolish a fence and dig some post holes so that was good exercise - and we had a bouncy castle to play on afterwards. It's true what they say, you never are too old to storm a bouncy castle!!! Went for a gentle walk on Sunday around Maldon and Rettendon which was very relaxing.
Gosh, to think in 5 weeks time I would have been to and, hopefully, conquered Ben Nevis. Scary stuff! Just been in the gym pounding away at the cross trainer and really do need to sort out at least one decent walk over the next few weeks. Think I might head back to my trusty Cheddar Gorge, drag Pat out and head for the hills. Sounds like a plan to me - just not sure when!
As I'm nearing my challenge I can look back over the past few months and consider the may things I've learnt, the people I've met and the physical and psychological changes that I've undergone. I've lost around 3 stone or more and am now a size 10/12 (unless trying to squeeze into a wetsuit!), am holding steady at 10st (but hope to lose a bit more) and am more confident on the hills and paths. I've learnt a lot about myself and about others and know that I'm not the same person now as I was in October last year. And all for the better! I really do love my walking and know that when my initial quest is over, a new one will begin. Next week I take some basic training as a walking leader - and then....who knows! I seem to prefer walking in the cooler autumn/winter months as I don't fair too well in extreme heat so guess some winter walking skills will be called for - and then a trip to the Cairngorms. Tomcat and I hope to do a couple of days wild camping over the winter so if anybody has any ideas of where/what/how etc please do let me know.
Not much going on this week other than the usual training. I'm working some extra hours this week so doing 12 hour days means I'm not going to have much energy for anything else - but it's my birthday on Thursday, so I'm sure I'll muster up some energy for a celebration walk - even if it's only to the pub!!!
Thanks for the emails I'm getting, it's really nice to hear your stories and if my little challenge can help inspire others or make a few people laugh then that's great as that was my hope!
I'll let you know when I've got my next proper walk planned and if you're in the area, maybe you could come along and join me!
Right - back to 'The Fellwalker' - it's just getting to the really interesting part. Mind you it does start to make you wonder about these national park types that want to take you walking in high places....Neil!!!! (just kidding). Good book to pass the time but don't read it alone on the hills.......
All for now.

Posted by Admin @ 6:17 am